This CD cover is striking as it uses a bold black cover with a contrasting white lightbulb in the center. By using a smashed lightbulb in the middle, that grabs the audiences attention, it connotes that the music on the album is destructive. But despite the smashed lightbulb, electricity is still flowing through. This contrasting yellow within the white of the glass may show to the audience that the music will be full of life and energy. By only having the one picture on the album cover, it focuses attention on the bands name which is also in bright white.
The font on the CD cover is minimal but matches the black and white colour scheme. The bands name; "Kings of Leon" is in a bright white, glowing font. This is so the audience can instantly recognise the bands name and therefore buy the album. The serif font of the text shows that it is informal and attracts attention. The name is also in the top left hand corner which is usually where the audience will begin to read from. The font of the album name is in a slightly smaller font. It is also in a brown font which stands out slightly from the black background, but not to an extent where it is the first thing the customer notices about the cover. There is no other text such as reviews or names on the cover as the cover looks more impressive when there is less detail.
The layout is simplistic which is a familiar convention of DVD and CD covers as it indie/rock bands prefer to be recognised by their music and not their image. By having the band and album title along the top, it takes up a small amount of space so the lightbulb can stand out on the shelves.
There is no content or reviews on the album cover at all. The design of the cover is minimalistic therefore only the lightbulb and the band name is shown.
Death Cab For Cutie

The slightly blurred image gives connotations of indie/rock genre as the contrast in colours represent the contrast in music. The colour red that is used in the centre of the cover, is often associated with death and danger which is explored through their music. Red and green are complimentary colours. By combining these two shades on top of a black background, the album cover instantly stands out on the shelves. In the background of the main image, dim lights are shown in the building which may show a mysterious side to their music.
A variation of fonts are used on the cover. The album cover 'Plans' is written in a bold serif font, by using this convention of the name being in the centre instantly tells the audience the name of the album. It is emphasised through using a large font which is around four times the size of the band name. The band name 'death cab for cutie' is written directly below the name of the album. There are no capitals used in the bands name which shows a clear comparison. The name of the band is filled with solid white colour, unlike the album name 'Plans'- as it is filled with a transluscent white, therefore the picture can be seen through slightly.
The layout of the CD cover shows the text being in the centre of the cover. The white text is directly infront of where the two contrasting colours meet- which brings the audiences attention to the name of the CD album. The dim lights are also running down the centre which again, draws the audience's eye down to the name. The image used is unusual which doesnt focus attention to the image itself and more onto the band name itself.
Chasing Status

The image on the album cover consists of a variety of small images which include the artists and who the album features. (In this case - Kano). There is no main image which grabs the attention of the audience but by having pictures of the artists, the customer may recognise them and therefore buy the album because of this. This is a different way to attract a customer - through fame rather than the music itself. The images are spread out in both corners of the album cover, this is so that the artists are not in direct competition with one another. A small convertable car is also shown after the text, which gives the cover a 'cool', edgy feel. There is also at the bottom of the screen, a line of silhouetted buildings line the album cover. The background image gives the impression of a quirky, spraypainted wall of orange and black with paint dripping down - this look appeals to both sexes of a young age.
The font used to a large serif font which capitalises both the artist name and the album cover. The album name 'Against all odds' uses a quirky font which uses the A's to give the impression of the number 4. This gives a different impression as it looks more like a number plate rather than a font. The name of the two artists are written in a slightly rounder font - this shows a contrast from the featured artist- 'Kano' that is written at the bottom of the album name in a small, digital font. 'Chase and Status' has an outline which instantly tells the audience who the CD is representing.
The layout of the album cover is spread out equally. The center of the album consists of a small amount of text in the center. It is then framed with images of the artists and a small convertable car. This is a simple layout but it is catchy as the bold, bright orange, jet black and block white mix together to stand out on the shop shelves.
There is not much content on the front of the CD cover as there are no reviews or opinions on the music. They have taken a minimal approach to the content.
Written by Hollie
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