We have decided that Sam is the best actor for this role as Sam and I have clear ideas on how we want the main singer to be portrayed to the audience. By using ourselves, we can act exactly how we intended the video to be shot. Sam also passed an expressive arts GCSE which included acting in a group and independently. As we are filming the video together, I can film whilst Sam acts, this will work as Sam can also play the guitar.
Sam also has longish hair which fits into the genre of indie rock. We can also discuss what looks good and which scene don't work without asking for the actor to repeat his performance. Another positive is that we will not have to organise many people to come and film our video as Sam and I will always be available.
Friend 1 - Tom Bryant
Sam and I have chosen Tom Bryant as an actor in our music video. Tom is sensible and is reliable which is a positive as we may need him to film more than once. Tom also achieved an expressive arts GCSE and used to attend stage coach during year 8. This is not a large part and doesnt require any learning of the song words.
Friend 2 - Toby Wort
Toby acted in mine and Sam's Thriller during our AS level as put on a good performance as the main male role. Toby is reliable and fits into the conventions of a band member. He can also play the guitar and drums which will be useful when the band is playing on stage. Toby lives nearby and can attend filming sessions as he has no important committments which may hinder filming. Toby achieved a GCSE in Expressive Arts in year 9, there giving us proof that he can act well.
Girlfriend - Hollie Liddington
I have chosen myself to play the part of the girlfriend - as we have discussed with Sam Gibbons. Sam and I both have a clear idea as to what effect the girlfriend has to have in the video. This saves explaining to an actor how we would like it to be represented. I have also passed a GCSE in Expressive Arts. Whilst I am acting, Sam can film. I can easily style my hair to the desired look. I will also attend every filming session so attendance will not be a problem.
Boyfriend - Jack Cockrill
Sam and I have decided on using Jack Cockrill as the boyfriend of the girl in the music video. Jack is very striking looking, therefore he will be remembered. Jack is also taller than me, therefore he will look more masculine in the video. Jack used to attend stage coach with Sam Holloway in year 8 therefore, he will take the role seriously. Jack also lives reasonably nearby so travelling to filming will not be a problem. Jack will remain sensible throughout filming.
People at the concert - our collegues in our media class.
During the scene with the band playing on stage. We will use the drama room as we can create a temporary stage to stand on. Our media class will be happy to jump to the music. We will film this scene during school time so we can use as many people it takes to fill the room with people to give the impression of a band playing at a gig. The scene is very informal so acting skills will not be required. Concerts are full of laughing and people having a good time which we think will look effective.
Written by Hollie
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